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There are 31 paintings.

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Earthenware jar Of Provence - dimensions 80 x 80 cm - White Earthenware jar Of Provence - photo 80 x 80 cm - White
3-5 days

Provençal Jar

In Provence - painting detail 40 x 40 cm In Provence - dimensions 40 x 40 cm
10 days

Provence birds

Scalop - painting detail 40 x 40 cm Scallop - dimensions 40 x 40 cm
10 days


Seagulls - painting detail 40 x 40 cm Seagulls - dimensions 40 x 40 cm
10 days


Starfish - painting detail 40 x 40 cm Starfish - dimensions 40 x 40 cm
10 days


Succulent Girolle - painting detail 40 x 40 cm Succulent Girolle - dimensions 40 x 40 cm - White
10 days

Succulent Girolle

Summer snack in the country house - painting detail 40 x 40 cm Summer snack in the country house - dimension 40 x 40 cm - White
3-5 days

Summer snack in the country house

The Delicious Boletus - painting detail 40 x 40cm The Delicious Boletus - dimensions 40 x 40 cm - White
10 days

The Delicious Boletus

The Garden full sun - painting detail 40 x 40 cm The Garden full sun - dimension 40 x 40 cm - White
3-5 days

The Garden full sun

White hens and cock White hens and cock - dimensions 40 x 40 cm - Grey
3-5 days

White hens and cock

With the Kitchen garden Emile - painting detail 40 x 40 cm With the Kitchen garden Emile - dimension 40 x 40 cm - White
3-5 days

With the Kitchen garden Emile

Fabrication Artisanale

Craft from Provence, Decoration

Making of our deco
