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Small provençal house on blue sea - Sea Deco Painting | Vincent

Small provençal house on blue sea - Landscape 60x110 cm - White curved

Description of the painting n° V304

Sea Deco - XXL Size

A typical Provençal small house. Visible stone walls in front of a flowery garden with an olive tree which contrast with the bluish bottom of a sea strewed with boats.

"The colors of Provence and sea in perfect harmony to underline a light and a unique brightness. Motionless and charming moments."

XXL Size - 60x110 cm

Reproduction sold framed, wooden quality baguette, ready to hang on. Texture: acrylic.

▼ Color and style of the moulding
  • Cleared curved -width 5 cm
▼ Framed chart format
  • 60 x 110 cm
5-6 d
Fabrication Artisanale

Craft from Provence, Decoration

Making of our deco
